Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Automatically Move Photos to Folders Based on Exif Date

If you want to automatically move and sort your photos to directories based on the specific date the photo was taken, I suggest you to try a free program called PhotoMove.

Simply choose the directory where your photos are saved, choose the directory under which you want the date sorted files to go and then click on the ‘Find Photos’ Button.

PhotoMove is based on the Perl library ExifTool, using which you can either move or copy your photos to date based subdirectories.

Wait for it to finish scanning and the program will show the number of files found and number of photos that has a valid EXIF creation dates. Then click on either ‘Copy Image Files’ or ‘Move Image Files’.

By the way PhotoMove operates on all files with embedded Exif data, not necessarily picture files.

So if the source folder contain other files that uses Exif to store dates such as Microsoft Excel files (.xls) and Adobe Acrobat PDF files (.pdf), these will get moved or copied as well.

So pay attention to what directories you pick to move or copy files from.

For Command Line users I recommend you the ExifTool by Phil Harvey

7 commentaires:

fit4life said...

thats great! i've been needing osmething like this for a long time now!

Doro said...

Great idea but not all EXIF info are good enought.

Nom de Plume said...

looks handy!

Alexander said...

thanks for the info!

Xenototh said...

Good warning on the end, nothing is worse that butchering projects because you started moving things that you shouldn't have...

john said...

Thanks for the info. This will make sorting my pictures alot easier.

Athanasian Complexio said...

If only I actually took pictures. I don't even have a camera on my phone (which I guess is a necessity nowadays?)

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